Clean Water


Water, Sanitation, & Hygiene (WASH)

Many diseases and health issues arise from the lack of hygiene and sanitation. Diarrhea is the second largest cause of under-five mortality globally. With the total absence of sewer systems in the rural areas, excreta management in on-site systems are poor.  Wastewater is often mixed in with run-off, which in turn pollute the surface water.  For example,  14% of the population of Togo still relies on untreated surface water..


Lack of clean water robs children of education

Education challenges in impoverished rural areas are inextricably linked to the absence of clean water.  The lack of latrines in schools particularly discourages teenage girls from continuing to attend school, because they have no place to wash and change during their menstrual cycles; consequently, the girls confidence and dignity are often eroded. In addition, they spend a lot of time collecting water and are therefore absent from class.  These circumstances further set back efforts toward eliminating gender inequality.


Toward food safety and economic value

Investments in clean water yield considerable returns. For every $1 invested in water and sanitation, there is an economic return of between $3 and $34! (UN News). With clean drinking water and education, rural populations will increase their odds of generating income and beginning to break the vicious cycle of poverty.


Aspiration and dreams are possible!

With a minimal household income, parents could be supporting their children in furthering their education and starting to contribute into the economy. Women and girls could be free to think about their own economic prosperity. This makes dreams possible.